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Emotional Responses to Change
Adaptive Leadership
Communicating Change
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The SCARF model
The above video outlines a neuroscience perspective on the human threat and reward system in our brain and how this understanding can support us at work and in leadership roles, in particular during times of change and uncertainty.

This 2 minute audio by Mona describes how we recommend using SCARF, when leading and managing changes at work. 

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In this video, Amy Cuddy breaks down one of the concepts from her book 'Presence'. This information is useful in our everyday workplace interactions and in particular when leading change.

This 90 second audio by Mona describes how we recommend integrating the concept of 'presence', when leading and managing changes at work. 
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Empathy vs Sympathy
Brené Brown shares her perspective on these two terms, based on her research. Having empathy is a key leadership trait and particularly helpful during times of change and uncertainty. 
This 75 second video by Mona describes how using the concepts outlined by Brené on empathy, can build trust when leading and managing changes at work. 
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Being accountable vs blaming others
Brené Brown shares her perspective on blame and its impact on human behaviour and team dynamics. Blame has an inverse relationship with accountability.

During times of change we want people to be encouraged to take risks (within reason). 
This 1 minute video by Mona outlines the importance of accountability when leading changes at work, and how a culture of blame creates fear and can stifle innovation. 
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Sharing the 'Why' during change
Simon shares why it is important to talk about the 'why'. When we communicate change, we need to always communicate the WIIFM (What's in it for me?).

This means we need to identify the 'why' for each stakeholder group and continuously communicate it when engaging with them. 
In this 75 second audio, Mona outlines how you can use the concepts in Simon's video to communicate changes that you make and are leading at work, because the first thing your people will ask when you tell them about a workplace change, is "why?". 

Downloadable content

Communicating Change

A simple PowerPoint template that outlines some of the key items to share when initially communicating change to your people. 

Team Dynamics After Change

A one page PDF that outlines some of the considerations to maintain effective team dynamics after change, using the Tuckman's model. 

Change Resilience: Stress Management During Times of Change and Transition at Work

This one page PDF Worksheet has a quick reflective activity that can support people who are feeling overwhelmed during changes or transitions that may be occurring at work. 

Communicating Change: a Guide to Incorporating Social Proofs

This two page PDF Worksheet has prompters to support you when you write key messages to support positive changes you want to introduce to your workplace. These prompters are effective for addressing uncertainty, norms and social proofs to enable others to role model changes.

Change Participation Curve

This one page PDF outlines a few of the basic elements needed for people to proactively contribute to change and experience change readiness. 

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Change Capability Learning Experiences

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