Double Double, Change is no Trouble!

Jan 17
Think of a workplace change that you have been a part of. This could have been a change in routine (such as returning to the office after working remotely), a change to desks and office location, new software in use, changes to your position and team, and much more. 

Now imagine that you were an observer in that change...

What does it look like? What is the overall essence of this change? Is it organised? Is it chaotic, or somewhere in between? Is it fun, exciting, scary? Were the benefits and outcomes realised eventually?

Workplace change can bring about so many conflicting values, thoughts, behaviours and emotions. This in turn creates a variety of complexities and outcomes, even when some changes were considered to be minimal to begin with. 

I will be presenting at the Transformative Work Design Conference, on the topic of building people and organisational capability for change, so that when the time comes, we have leaders and people who are adaptable and ready to positively contribute to change, as well as to be valued and for their wellbeing to be maintained throughout the change experience. 

Some of the experiences I will draw on include a large private as well as a government organisation, and will bring in the science to support that we really need to rethink the way we change at work. 

I will share more after the conference, and would love to meet you there if you are attending.

- Mona
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